The Solidarity Partnership Program is PERPAMSI's strategic program to support the improvement of the performance of water operators in Indonesia in providing quality and quantity water to the community continuously. This program comes with the concept of capacity building assistance by water operators with healthy performance and excellence to water operators with less healthy and or sick performance. This study aimed to determine descriptively qualitatively the implementation and effectiveness of the program for the recipient Perumda AM. Through in-depth interviews with key informants, it was found that the implementation process of the Solidarity Partnership Program showed compliance with the technical guidelines and resulted in increased personnel capacity of the recipient Perumda AM through pilot projects in accordance with the program objectives. In fact, some Perumda AMs were able to develop after participating in the program. Nonetheless, there are challenges in the implementation of the Solidarity Partnership Program, namely the short time span of implementation that causes less than optimal output. In addition, for the expansion of program recommendations to be followed up, it requires funding independence from the Perumda AM involved (especially the recipients) and the support and commitment of the Regional Government in terms of policy/regulation establishment, funding support, and institutional monitoring so that after the implementation of this program, it can provide maximum and sustainable results to optimize the role of Perumda AM.References
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