Performance is a very important thing that describes the level of achievement of implementing activities in realizing the goals, objectives, vision and mission of an organization or company as outlined in the planning strategy of an organization or company. However, in reality there is a decline in performance because there are still many employees who arrive late to work and are less than optimal in completing daily tasks (daily log), so that the completion of work targets still does not meet the targets. This research aims to determine the effect of work motivation on the performance of employees at the Balai Pelestraian Kebudayaan Wilayah IX. The population in this research was carried out on all 50 employees, where all employees were respondents. The sampling technique used in this research was saturated sampling. The analytical method in this research uses simple linear regression analysis, correlation coefficient, and coefficient of determination.The independent variable in this study is work motivation as the independent variable, while employee performance is the dependent variable. This research uses quantitative research methods through descriptive analysis and verification, this research uses a saturated sample or census technique because it takes all objects that are members of the population as samples. The findings of the research results show that there is a motivational influence on employee performance at the Balai Pelestarian Kebudayaan Wilayah IX.References
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