The Constitutional Court's decision has degraded the executive power of fiduciary guarantees so that the creditor's position no longer has legal certainty. This research examines and analyzes innovation in financing business strategies after Constitutional Court Decision Number 18/PUU-XVII/2019 and Number 2/PUU-XIX/2021. The conceptual approach is used in this research, which is legal research with a perspective. Deductive syllogism is used as a technique for analyzing primary and secondary legal materials as well as data that can be collected through literature study. The results of this research show that financing agreements, especially leasing, have been proven not to fulfill one of the elements of the requirements for the validity of the agreement because they violate the law so they are null and void, the Constitutional Court's decision degrades the executorial power of the fiduciary guarantee certificate so that the creditor's position no longer has legal certainty, based on the principle Freedom of contract is a business strategy that can provide legal certainty for creditors.References
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