General poly patient visits in the last 3 months showed a decrease of 27%.Objective This research aims to analyze the willingness and ability to pay for General Polyclinic patients at the Pratama Medica Zahra Clinic. Research methods quantitatively and qualitatively. Data collection is by questionnaire with Google Form, interviews, observation and document review.Research result namely the respondent's ATP (Ability To Pay) of Rp. 114,000,- while most respondents chose the rate set by the clinic as the lowest category rate, namely Rp. 45,000 – Rp. 50,000,- it has been confirmed that almost all people can afford to pay up to the high category, namely IDR. 60,000 – Rp. 65,000 but chose the low category. Likewise, the WTP (Willingness To Pay) of respondents who are willing to pay is greater than those who do not. This proves that public awareness regarding the willingness and ability to spend on a health budget is quite good, where the level of public education is also in the good category, so that the public can know the importance of assumptions and obligations in having a health budget.Conclusion, ATP with determining general poly service rates does not have a relationship with a p value of 0.05, but the results of the WTP research with determining general poly service rates have a relationship with a p value of 0.03.Suggestion, it is hoped that ATP and WTP can be used as input for clinic owners in making proposals for adjustments to tariff determination based on the Bandung City PERDA, as well as the need to improve service quality elements such as doctor services, medicines and health equipment which must be maximized by adding facilities and infrastructure to support the quality of health services.References
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