Analyzing the readiness level of Information Systems and Information Technology implementation at PT Juliartha Jaya Pratama is a crucial step in measuring the extent to which the company is ready to face the challenges and opportunities of the digital era. In this context, the evaluation of PT Juliartha Jaya Pratama will be the main focal point, including an assessment of the company's Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats that have not previously been carried out. This research uses a qualitative descriptive method. This method is used to describe and analyze the level of readiness for the implementation of Information Systems and Information Technology at PT Juliartha Jaya Pratama. Data was collected through interviews with relevant parties at PT Juliartha Jaya Pratama. Interviews were conducted using prepared interview guidelines. The data collected was then analyzed using SWOT, IFAS, and EFAS analysis tools. The research that has been carried out, results in a SWOT analysis at PT Juliartha Jaya Pratama, namely the SWOT Matrix on Strengths there are 4 points, Weaknesses 2 points, Opportunities 2 points and Threats 3 points. as well as IFAS Value 1.24 and EFAS Value 0.40 which states that the state of the organization is in good condition and produces a SWOT Business strategy so that the organization is able to develop and be ready for the application of Information Systems and Information Technology in the future.References
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