This study focuses on the development of a web-based application for Surya Mas 2 Store, with a primary emphasis on automating store operations and improving inventory efficiency. The application targets the roles of cashiers, managers, and warehouse employees, encompassing essential features such as role-based login, sales transactions, inventory management, note-taking, and transaction reporting. Users can access the application with role-specific functionalities, ensuring secure and efficient store operations. The web application streamlines inventory management by enabling the recording of incoming and outgoing products. Additionally, it provides transaction reports that aid in decision-making processes. The Rapid Application Development (RAD) methodology was employed for the application's development, allowing swift adaptation to changing requirements. The benefits of the application include enhanced operational efficiency through process automation and improved inventory management. Opportunities for future development lie in refining the user interface and expanding the reporting capabilities. Ultimately, the application positively impacts the business of Surya Mas 2 Store by saving time and resources through automation and efficient inventory management.References
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