Idin Putra Jaya's Welding Workshop is a welding workshop engaged in the manufacture of iron fences. In operation there are still hazards found. Based on historical data from 2020 to 2022 there are 6 types of work accidents that often occur. Seeing the conditions of work accidents that occur, it is necessary to analyze the risk of work accidents and provide hazard control. The method used in this study is Job Safety Analysis (JSA) to find out the results of the risk analysis of work accidents in welding workers. To find out the design of Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) for safe welding work. Analysis of the risk of work accidents in welding workers is as follows: analysis of work stages, hazard risk analysis then given hazard control. There are 3 parts of work including cutting, welding and smoothing. In the cutting section there are 5 stages of work, 14 hazard risks and 18 hazard controls. In the welding section there are 8 stages of work, 17 hazard risks and 25 hazard controls. In the refining section, there are 3 stages of work, 5 hazard risks and 11 hazard control risks. Standard Operating Procedures for safe welding work are as follows: SOP for the cutting section consists of an analysis of the hazards of the cutting process, preparation of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), preparation of cutting tools, start of work and end of work. The SOP for the welding section consists of hazard analysis of the welding process, preparation of PPE, preparation of welding equipment, start of work and end of work. The SOP for the refining section consists of hazard analysis in the refining process, PPE preparation, preparation of refining tools, start of work and end of work.References
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