Patrol activities carried out by PT. PLN UP2D Palembang is currently still using manual reporting which often results in poor communication, intentional or not. Such as a lack of focus and deliberately not carrying out tasks as they should, which are expected to be optimal but beyond expectations. For this reason, the company needs to improve the way it monitors PT security officers. PLN UP2D Palembang so that patrol activities can be more efficient, systematic and structured. The aim of this research is to design an e-patrol security application that has added value, namely features that can make it easier for security officers to carry out reporting and communication activities between security officers more quickly. Furthermore, this application also provides guarantees for companies that security officers are really working according to their duties well and the reports sent by security officers are real time and can be checked immediately. The final
result of this research is a design for an Android web-based patrol application that is run according to the rules and schedule, division of tasks, and available patrol routes.
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