In this day and age, business competition is increasingly fierce in responding to diverse consumer demands, strategic action is needed in carrying out company operations. CV. Konveksi 3 Dara Bandung is a micro, small and medium enterprise (MSME) which operates in the field of clothing production including clothes, jackets, robes, shirts and the like. Based on the observations that have been made, the quality of the products produced still does not meet consumer satisfaction, because the products produce many product defects including rejected clothes, broken seams, loose seams and wrinkles on clothes. Therefore, quality control tools are needed to identify the causes of products that do not meet standards, and then provide solutions to correct these problems so that the quality of the products produced can reach the maximum level. The combination of methods between Statistical Quality Control (SQC) and FMEA is expected to help companies in optimizing product quality control. Based on the analysis of the Statistical Quality Control method combined with the FMEA concept, it was concluded that the defects that occurred included rejected clothes (19%), broken stitches (37%), loose stitches (24%), and wrinkles (20%).References
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