Process Sales activities on material goods so that they continue and so the data generated is increasing over time. Larger data will not be useful and useful if left alone. The Apriori Algorithm is one of the methods of Data Mining, namely data collection to determine the highest frequency pattern with the highest data collection and to determine transaction data, calculating the total number of transactions. The use of old data is used to find the results of the sale of the most and the fewest goods. The result of this data mining process is to find items that are often sold simultaneously. One of the benefits of using this method is to facilitate the preparation of goods to be separated in certain places such as items that are often sold. The a priori algorithm method in data mining is very efficient and speeds up the process of combining patterns of sales results from building stores. The data used is data on the sale of goods that are often sold. The list of building materials that have the most stock sold is Cement, White Cement, Sand, Wall Paint, Wood Paint, Ceramics, Wood, Bricks, Nails, Concrete Iron, and WireReferences
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