
  • Hartaniah Hartaniah Sistem Informasi, Sains dan Teknologi, Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Fatah Palembang
  • Ruliansyah Ruliansyah Sistem Informasi, Sains dan Teknologi UIN Raden Fatah Pelamebang




The official trip that will be carried out by agency employees is a trip that will be assigned somewhere (Foreign Service) to the agency. These duties include tasks that are important to related agencies, such as attending seminars, providing training, exp loring collaboration, attending ceremonies, and carrying out other activities. To organize and prepare for a successful business trip, all necessary steps must be taken, the first must be the preparation of the necessary documents, confirming travel ticket s and accommodation, preparation of a predetermined itinerary, and all other elements necessary for a successful and comfortable working environment. The purpose of travel and its introduction when employees go to work is to facilitate the employee's journey to work. The method to be used is the SDLC method with the Waterfall Model which processes systematically and sequentially. The system facilitates the effectiveness of employee performance in making SPPD at PT. PLN (Persero) UP2D S2JB, and can store data properly., facilitate access and and guarantee the security of stored data and can solve problems that exist in the company in inputting data and m aking reports on time and accurate.


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