At this time, the motorbikes is one of the most commonly used means of transportation. In 2019, the development of motorized vehicles reached 1,009.443 units in the City of Bandung. he purpose of this of this research is to conduct an assessment of the mechanics in the workshop, determine the mechanics, and determine the mechanical assessment criteria that can affect the quality of the workshop. This study uses a pairwise comparison questionnaire with the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method involving 3 respondents, namely the workshop owner, the workshop admin, and the head mechanic. The object of research is the five mechanics named Abdul, Atep, Nurhabibi, Iki, and Ridho. From the results of calculations using the AHP method, consistent results are obtained. for the calculation of the weight of the criteria produced 38% for the value of honesty, 34% for the value of discipline, 15% for the value of speed and accuracy in work, and 13% for team work.References
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