The teacher presence information system is a strategic step to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of education in schools. With advances in technology, currently, especially in the field of website development, a website attendance system is needed to facilitate the academic community in carrying out administrative processes. By using the website, the presence system becomes more effective because the academic community can access it from any device. The existence of a web-based presence system also reduces the risk of data loss and damage because the data has been stored in computerized Big Data. The method used in this study uses the Waterfall method or what is often called the Waterfall model. The steps taken are needs analysis, system design using UML (Unifeld Modeling Language), Use Case Diagrams, Activity Diagrams, Class Diagrams, Sequence Diagrams, the programming language used is HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language), PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor), CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) in addition to Jquery, MySQL as a Database and testing with black box testing. Designing, creating and building an information system is a complex process, involving various aspects such as User requirements, Interface design, the ability to record attendance history, data management processes, and the use of software development methods. the main goal is to create a system that can provide maximum benefits in managing teacher attendance in the school environment. The use of QR Code technology in designing a website teacher attendance information system is to take advantage of modern innovations to optimize efficiency and accuracy in the attendance process.References
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