Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (UMKM) have proven to be important pillars in overcoming economic challenges and advancing economic development in Indonesia. One of them is UMKM that bears quail in Pemalang Regency, but in the implementation of customer management it still needs to be improved so it needs to be implemented a CRM system. The purpose of this study was to implement Customer Relationship Management (CRM) in UMKM Quail Egg Farms in Pemalang district using Odoo. The research method used is the Agile Model Scrum method, with an open-source CRM application using Odoo as a CRM system. and data collection techniques using observation, interviews, literature study. The results show that the implementation of CRM with Odoo provides positive benefits in strengthening customer interaction, satisfaction and loyalty, as well as facilitating business processes. Evidenced by the results of the questionnaire, 75.50% of potential users stated that the implementation of CRM with Odoo can strengthen interactions with customers and improve the operational efficiency of MSMEs. In addition, from the results of the questionnaire, 80% of potential users stated that this application helps in managing offers, 80% are prospect customers , and 82.5% of sales orders and payments.References
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