The COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia during 2020 has introduced numerous challenges and hurdles for the field of public health. It has also prompted the Indonesian government to explore the application of digital information technology in managing the COVID-19 crisis. As an extension of the broader incorporation of information technology within public health services, the Ministry of Health has undertaken a significant initiative with its Blueprint for Health Digital Transformation Strategy 2024. This initiative places a particular emphasis on the establishment of health data integration, the development of health service application systems, and the enhancement of the Health Technology Ecosystem. This article presents an evaluation of the national health infrastructure design as outlined in the Health Digital Transformation Strategy Blueprint 2024. The evaluation is conducted by comparing this blueprint with the recommendations detailed in the Public Health Infrastructure framework, as proposed by the Department of Health and Human Services in the United States. The results of this evaluation indicate that the organizational and ICT aspects have been reasonably well executed within the national Health infrastructure design. However, it also highlights the absence of a strategic plan or dedicated program aimed at enhancing the informatics competencies of public health professionals.References
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