The utilization of information technology has become a positive trend. Its usefulness is not only as a medium of information or concerning business, but information technology has also been used by agencies or organizations. An agency or organization has begun to use technology as a tool that can help management in making a decision where the decision is very important to do. The CEMPOR Dispora Bandung City organization when selecting trainees still uses a manual method by filling in the criteria filled in by the committee. This method only relies on assessments made in the field. A recommendation system must be created to assist the Cempor Dispora committee in determining the selected trainees for the next training session in a more systematic and structured manner. This will help the company make decisions. This research recommendation system selects trainees using the Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) method to evaluate the accuracy of the method. Calculating the number of participants' average scores for this training activity and speeding up the participant selection process are the capabilities of this web-based trainee selection recommendation system. As a result of Confusion Matrix Testing, the system has an accuracy of 95.00%.References
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