The development of modern technology has had a significant positive impact on various aspects of life. However, along with this progress, the threat from hackers is also increasing. Hackers are individuals or groups with the ability to breach computer systems or networks, whether for illegal purposes, stealing data, or spreading malware. To avoid this, there is a method called penetration testing. Penetration Testing is a series of methods carried out to test the security of a system. The penetration testing process involves analyzing a system to identify potential security vulnerabilities such as system configuration errors, flaws in software or hardware development, and weaknesses in the logic of a process. After conducting a penetration test using the OWASP TOP 10 2021 method on the Eformhelpdesk website, there were six security vulnerabilities identified in the OWASP TOP 10 2021 category, and one vulnerability that did not fall into that category.References
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