Information Systems have become a crucial component in the digital era of today's world. The use of information systems is widely employed in government agencies to facilitate work processes and provide the best services. The Directorate of Metrology, in its effort to enhance services, has developed a new information system called the Legal Metrology Calibration and Recalibration Management Information System (SIMPEL). However, in its implementation at the Integrated Trade Services Unit IV (UPTP IV), numerous challenges have been identified that result in a decrease in Non-TaX State Revenue and an increase in the number of complaints. PNBP serves as a performance indicator for UPTP IV services. Therefore, an evaluation study of SIMPEL is needed to increase the PNBP figures. Based on several references, the variables of effectiveness and technical capability are considered for evaluating SIMPEL. The research methodology employed is the multiple linear regression method. The research findings indicate that partially, from the customer perspective, the evaluation of effectiveness significantly affects the performance of UPTP IV services. Partially, from the employee perspective, the evaluation of technical capability significantly influences the performance of UPTP IV services. Simultaneously, the evaluation of effectiveness and technical capability significantly affects the performance of UPTP IV services.References
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