Pengaruh Public Relation dan Customer Value Marketing Terhadap Customer Loyalty di Janji Jiwa Poris


  • Muhamad Fikri Sani Universitas Trisakti
  • Sri Vandayuli Riorini Universitas Trisakti



This study intends to ascertain the impact of customer value marketing and public relations on customer loyalty promise Jiwa Poris. Individual factors were used to choose samples, including those who had recently purchased and consumed Janji Jiwa items. For this study's primary data, 125 respondents were given questionnaires to complete. The information gathered for this study is cross sectional and is based on the time period. The Structural Equation Model (SEM) is the analytical technique used. Google forms were utilized to distribute the data. The simultaneous test method (F test) and the coefficient of determination test (R2) are used to test hypotheses. According to the study's findings, customer loyalty is significantly impacted by both customer value marketing and public relations.


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Jurnal Ekonomi Manajemen Perbankan - Juli - Desember 2023