A good organization is an organization that is able to communicate well, effectively and efficiently among the people in it. Good organizational communication will make an organization more developed. In the current pandemic period, we are faced with the same problem where everyone, both individually and in organizations, has
difficulty communicating due to the rules of social distancing and physical distancing. This is a common problem that needs to be solved. This study aims to determine the role of information technology in organizational communication activities both with internal and external parties. The method used in this research is a descriptive
qualitative research method with a case study approach, while the data collection techniques are carried out by observing and studying literature. The results of this study indicate a major role in the use of information technology in organizational communication. Internally, it can facilitate interaction among others in the organization so that it can accelerate the completion of work. Meanwhile, the use of information technology in organizational communication externally can facilitate and speed up communication with external parties, gain new knowledge through various online trainings, cut operational costs and facilitate bureaucratic cooperation. The
conclusion is that information technology plays a role in organizational communication so that it can run well and can shorten communication time and get feedback quickly.
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