
  • Anbiya Zaneti Dhimas A Universitas Amikom Yogyakarta
  • Monika Pretty Aprilia Universitas Amikom Yogyakarta



The development of information and communication technology (ICT) in the era of globalization is increasingly advanced and its development is growing rapidly. Indonesia as a democratic country, it is appropriate to use ICT for various needs in the government sector. One of them is innovation in the use of new media, which is expected to be a transformation step from conventional media to digital. This study aims to see how the process of adopting innovations in the use of communication technology carried out by the DIY KPU, as well as the obstacles they face in conveying messages to the public. This study uses a qualitative approach and case study methods. The theory used is the theory of innovation adoption proposed by Everett Rogers. There were three people who became informants in this study, namely the Head of the Division of Socialization of Voter Education for Community Participation and Human Resources of the DIY KPU, then the Secretary of the DIY KPU and one staff of the Technical and Community Participation Relations section. Research findings show that in realizing innovation there are new prospects for the development of communication. The results of interviews with informants also show that there are several obstacles in terms of human resources, facilities and infrastructure, digital media infrastructure, and budgets in the use of ICT in KPU DIY.


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