This research aims to explain the communication process that occurs in the Michat chat application in online prostitution sexual activities. The concept used in this research is computer-mediated interpersonal communication (hyperpersonal), the research method used is a qualitative method with a qualitative descriptive approach. The data collection technique in this study uses non-participant observation techniques, where the researcher does not have to position himself as a member or group being researched. In addition to non-participant observation, this study also uses the in-depth interview method. The interview was conducted by 2 resource persons who were involved in the process of communication on this phenomenon. The results of this study show that the phenomena that occur to the actors are supported by several personal factors, the communication that occurs in it also takes place in two directions where the communicator and communicant exchange information and functions. The results of the study also show that the phenomenon of online prostitution occurs in the Michat application because there are many MiChat features that support the perpetrators of this act.References
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