
  • Eko Basuki Universitas Kristen Indonesia Maluku
  • Korneles Balak Universitas Kristen Indonesia Maluku




The bloody conflict in Maluku that occured in 1999 with all its sequences and subsided in 2004, several researchers concluded that communal conflicts in Maluku were not always triggered by the actions of greedy political elites, but rather to resolve an old problem, namely the seizure of land, especially customary lands that were had long been contested before the violent conflict in Maluku. This paper attempts to explain the customary land conflict in Maluku by taking the case of the customary land conflict between the Pelauw village community and the Kariuw village community. The purpose of this paper is to understand customary land conflicts in Pelauw and Kariuw villages located on Haruku Island – Central Maluku Regency. Collecting data in this paper using a qualitative approach through interviews with several key informants. The customary land conflict between the Pelauw village community and the Kariuw village community is the existence of different data about village boundaries, even one of data that they believe to be true is ancestral stories that have been socialized from generation to generation about the history of the formation of village including village boundaries.


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