
  • Adzan Desar Deryansyah



The current era gave birth to a new concept, both personal and social, one of the concepts is Smart City. The digital era is known as 4.0 where all activities have relied on the availability of high technology, one of which is the Internet of Things (IoT), in the view of the 4.0 era, humans only use these facilities with all the consequences.  Meanwhile, the era of society 5.0 focuses on the ability of humans to play a role with the technology around them perfectly. This study aims to align all elements that represent generations to jointly prepare themselves for the concept of SMART CITY in which there is the sophistication of technology and the ability of the community in it to use it. In order to overcome this gap, this study uses the Theory of Evolution to understand social change can be carried out using communication techniques that are conveyed to heterogeneous communities. Through research, it was found that there was a concern from people representing a generation who did not expect something more sophisticated to be carried out in the future, the inability to adapt was one of the reasons. Meanwhile, future generations think the opposite that they feel comfortable with this massive development of digital technology continues to develop. So it is important for us to understand that social change can occur if the activity of social communication is carried out massively and understands the object is transformed as a whole.


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