
  • Pupu Jamilah Universitas Putra Indonesia
  • Astri Dwi Andriani Universitas Putera Indonesia
  • Tri Satyawan Ikrar Fahmi Husaini Muhammad Yahya Soleh Nur Firdaus Taufik Hidayatulloh Universitas Putra Indonesia



Humans are social creatures who cannot live alone and need the role of others in order to interact with each other. Wedding is the most awaited and desired moment by every couple. For this reason, marriage documentation is needed so that the moment can be remembered and enjoyed. This study aims to find out the characteristics of Purepose Photography as a photography vendor engaged in the wedding industry, and this study uses a qualitative method based on the results of interviews with selected informants. Based on the results of the study, it was found that Purepose Photography uses the POAC concept in its management, the photos contain their own meaning both verbally and nonverbally and color is one of the most superior with the name "Purepose Natural Beauty”


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