About the Journal
Focus and Scope
is a scientific periodic journal published twice a year (June - December), publishing the results of original research on Accounting Science.
This journal aims to develop concepts, theories, perspectives, paradigms and methodologies in the study of accounting science.
The scope of Jurnal Audit, Pajak, Akuntansi Publik (AJIB) includes:
- Auditing Accounting
- Tax accounting
- Financial Accounting (Financial Accounting)
- Cost Accounting (Cost Accounting)
- Management Accounting (Management Accounting)
- Budget Accounting (Budgeting)
- Government Accounting (Governmental Accounting)
- Accounting System (Accounting System)
- Budget Accounting (Budgetary Accounting)
- Banking account
- International Accounting
- Educational Accounting
- Social Accounting
- Behavioral Accounting
- Public sector accounting
Peer Review Process
Every submitted manuscript will be checked using the plagiarism checking website, Turn It In
Every manuscript submitted will go through a review process.
The review process uses double blind peer review.
In the review process, Bestari partners provide considerations related to novelty, scientific impact, conclusions and references used.
Publication Frequency
Jurnal AKSI adalah jurnal berkala ilmiah yang terbit satu tahun dua kali pada bulan maret dan september.
Open Access Policy
This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.
Journal History
Jurnal Audit, Pajak, Akuntansi Publik (AJIB) was first published in June 2022.