Journal SIKAP (Information Systems, Finance, Auditing And Taxation is a journal that is managed and published by Accounting Study Program Faculty of Economics Sangga Buana University - YPKP which contains research and thought of scholars in the field of Accounting Science both academics and practitioners. Journal SIKAP (Information Systems, Finance, Auditing And Taxation) published periodically twice a year in October and April.
Indexing in
Journal SIKAP (Information Systems, Finance, Auditing And Taxation is a journal that is managed and published by Accounting Study Program Faculty of Economics Sangga Buana University - YPKP which contains research and thought of scholars in the field of Accounting Science both academics and practitioners. Journal SIKAP (Information Systems, Finance, Auditing And Taxation) published periodically twice a year in October and April.
Current Issue
Vol. 8 No. 2 (2024): April